The spirit of Brittany (Bretagne)
in the authentic wines of Nantes

Adhérez aux Vignerons-Artisans de Bretagne du vignoble de Nantes

V.A.B. affiliates brochure in PDF format

The benefits of your affiliation to the Vigneron-Artisans de Bretagne (Artisanal Vineyards of Brittany)

We assure you a good internet visibility thanks to our website.

Thanks to the affiliation you will have a personal area on our website, you only have to write a text, to add some pictures and a link to your own internet site (in case you have one).

The Vignerons-Artisans de Bretagne (the Artisanal Vineyards of Brittany) allow you

- To work together with different producers of the region of vineyard of Nantes.
- To confirm your Breton and Nantes identity.
- To reposition the Muscadet wine as a coastal wine connected to the Celtic countries.

The cooperation offers you the possibility to develop the wine tourism, which is thanks to our partnerships a rapidly growing market.

Contact us to become a member of the Vignerons-Artisans de Bretagne (the Artisanal Vineyards of Brittany) contact us!