The spirit of Brittany (Bretagne)
in the authentic wines of Nantes
Breton countryside vineyard harvest
Muscadet white wine grape
Bottles in winemaker's cellar
Glass of Breton Muscadet
Storage of wine in barrels
Breton wines sealed with cork

Des Vignerons-Artisans de Bretagne passionnés dans le vignoble de Nantes

Un powerpoint avec les dernières données chiffrées de la notoriété de la Bretagne

Winemakers near Nantes

The Vignerons-Artisans de Bretagne (Artisanal Vineyards of Brittany) regroup the vineyards that are passionate about their profession, sensitive to environmental questions and proud of their Nantes and Breton identity.

Exported already since centuries to the United Kingdom, to the Netherlands, to Belgium and to the Scandinavian countries, the friendship with these coastal countries, open to the world, was forged naturally.

Les vins de Bretagne

The vineyard of Nantes, a reference in white wine

The Muscadet and the Gros-Plant vines are the best known wines of the vineyards of Nantes.

The Cabernet, Gamay, Merlot, Pinot Noir and the Grolleau grapes are also produced here. Red and rosé, both wines have the specific qualities of the Armorican Massif territory and of the oceanic soft climate.

Wines that are cradled by the Atlantic Ocean

The trials and tribulations of history have brought us too often to turn our backs on the sea.

Our wines are coastal, the Muscadet wine is the flagship and we want to revive our traditions to make our wines a bridge connecting us to the people and cultures of the world.

The Vignerons-Artisans de Bretagne (Artisanal Vineyards of Brittany) invite you to explore, or to re-discover the wines of this country near Nantes.

Nos partenaires
La Blanche Hermine, pastry in Clisson
Breizh Association 5/5 reunification of Brittany
Yoran Embanner, publisher of Breton books
Breizhek Studio, communications agency in the Nantes vineyards